Acupuncture - Initial Treatment
Initial Exam and Treatment
1 hr 30 min ~ $135
In this session you will review your medical history with your practitioner, ask any questions you may have about the treatment, have a TCM exam and treatment.
Acupuncture Treatment
Individual Session - regular
1 hr ~ $85
In this session you will review your last session with your practitioner, ask any questions you may have about your plan going forward and have a treatment.
Aromatherapy AromaTouch®
AromaTouch® by doTERRA Essential Oils
45 min ~ $75
Increase the benefits you experience with CPTG® essential oils by incorporating the AromaTouch® Technique into your healthy lifestyle philosophy. This aromatherapy teatment uses dōTERRA Balance®, Lavender, Peppermint, Melaleuca, Wild Orange, AromaTouch®, Deep Blue®, and dōTERRA On Guard®
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Teas & Pills not included in rate
30 min ~ $45
Our practitioner grade herbs are available in office and online along with a consultation as to which herbs are right for you